Rancho Cordova Rideshare Accident Lawyer

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Rancho Cordova Rideshare Accident Lawyer

Rancho Cordova Rideshare Accident Attorney

Those who are injured in rideshare accidents deserve restitution from whoever was responsible for the accident. Personal injury claims allow these victims to seek compensatory justice. Getting that compensation can sometimes be a challenging process, as those who should provide restitution may be hesitant to do so. A Rancho Cordova rideshare accident lawyer could be crucial to see justice for the accident.

It is critical that rideshare victims have a personal injury lawyer with talent and experience. At Kreeger Law Firm, our team is determined to exhaust every option to seek the compensation our clients deserve, whether that comes from the negotiation for a settlement or making their case in court. We have developed our skills in getting fair compensation over our 30 years of representing clients.

Rideshare Accident Compensation

The compensation that you are owed for a rideshare accident in Rancho Cordova is meant to cover only those costs that are a direct result of the accident. These costs generally fall into two categories:

  • Economic Damages. These are meant to address the tangible costs of the accidents, usually having a direct financial element related to them. Costs like medical expenses, lost wages, and future expenses are addressed under these damages.
  • Non-economic Damages. These are meant to address the costs that have a less obvious financial element to them and are generally going to be more psychological or emotional in nature. Pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment in life, mental anguish, and other similar issues are compensated through these damages.

How a Rancho Cordova Rideshare Accident Lawyer Can Help Your Claim

Having a quality Rancho Cordova rideshare accident lawyer representing you can often be crucial to getting the full compensation that you deserve after a rideshare accident. We investigate your accident to identify the liable parties and discover the evidence we can use to make the case against them.

We also negotiate on your behalf, as there may be a benefit to both sides if the case can be settled rather than going to court. It avoids the risk involved with a trial and can often lead to a quicker resolution. If this option makes sense, we work to negotiate a deal that is fair.

If there is no way to come to an agreement regarding a settlement, we are always confident in representing you in court and making your strongest case for a personal liability claim. We can collect the evidence necessary to prove the liability of the parties at fault and secure the compensation that you deserve.


Q: Who May Be Liable for a Rideshare Accident?

A: Those who may be liable for a rideshare accident depends on who behaved in a negligent manner that caused the accident. In most car accidents, including rideshare accidents, this tends to be one of the drivers involved in the collision.

However, there are situations where the employer of the driver may also be liable, particularly if there was a problem with hiring, training, or supervision of the driver. In other situations, it is possible for the government in charge of the roads to be held liable, a manufacturer or installer of auto parts, or another party.

Q: What Should I Look for in a Rancho Cordova Rideshare Accident Lawyer?

A: What you should look for in a Rancho Cordova rideshare accident lawyer are a few important characteristics. Knowledge and experience are always vital for any lawyer, and it is important to work with someone with a strong track record of success.

You also want someone who is a good listener with an eye for detail, as those critical factors can be essential to proving your claim. Lastly, you want to make sure that you work with someone you trust. Your legal representation is a big responsibility, and you need someone of integrity in that role.

Q: If I’m Going to Negotiate a Settlement, Why Should I Have a Lawyer?

A: Even if you are going to negotiate a settlement, you should still have a lawyer for a few critical reasons. One is so that you have a strong understanding of what is involved with the settlement and what the stipulations are. It is often helpful to have a personal injury lawyer negotiating on your behalf. Negotiation is a skill that is developed through experience, and when facing opposing lawyers, your settlement offer is likely going to be better with a strong negotiator on your side as well.

Q: What Is the Statute of Limitations for a Ridesharing Accident?

A: The statute of limitations for a ridesharing accident is set by the statute of limitations for personal injury law. Under these rules, most rideshare accident claims will need to be filed within two years of the accident. There may be some exceptions based on the factors of the case, such as who is being held liable, when injuries were discovered, and the involvement of minors.

These factors could increase the time to file or shorten it significantly, which is why it is important that you seek out a lawyer soon after your accident to understand the deadlines that apply to your circumstances.

Rideshare Accident Victims Deserve Compensation, and We Help Them Seek It

As with any kind of car accident, a rideshare accident can leave those who have been injured facing tremendous challenges and costs. While these costs are the legal responsibility of those whose negligence caused the accident, it can often be challenging to get the fair compensation that is owed. For victims of these accidents, it is important that they have a lawyer prepared to stand up for their rights.

Kreeger Law Firm is dedicated to seeking the restitution that our clients are owed, as we have been doing for more than 30 years. We understand the nuances of personal injury law and the unique issues posed by ridesharing accidents. Our team is prepared to negotiate as strong a settlement as we can on your behalf, and if necessary, we are ready to take your claim through litigation.

Contact us to discuss your rideshare accident and we can discuss what we may be able to do to get you the compensation that you deserve.