Sacramento Amputation Injury Attorney

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Amputation Injury Lawyer in Sacramento, CA

We invite you to call our Roseville or Sacramento offices and talk to one of our lawyers about your prospects. Call Kreeger Law Firm at 916-782-8400, and ask for our no-charge, no-obligation case evaluation. Let our attorneys draw up a plan for maximum recovery for you and your family.

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Free Consultation ~ No Obligation ~ Call Today

If you or someone you love has experienced this kind of wrenching loss, you have a powerful case for compensation. But you will need an attorney who is experienced handling amputated limbs and knows how to help you to obtain the maximum level of financial recovery.

Personal Injury Representation


Amputation of a limb in a car accident or workplace accident is not as common as a head or brain injury. But when it does happen — even if the limb is reattached — it casts a disabling shadow over the rest of your life. Amputation, whether it occurs in the accident itself or occurs later on the operating table, is never an easy thing. Most victims experience profuse bleeding. Many go on to experience severe shock. Many of these go on to battle insidious infections. Many individuals report “phantom limb pain” for years after the accident. Amputation affects your ability to earn a living and your overall health, including the psychological trauma of losing a part of yourself. Amputation can occur to fingers, toes, hands, feet, arms or legs. The cause may be a shearing by sharp metal or a crushing so severe that the limb cannot be restored. Amputation occurs in hospitals when the limb is so damaged that it poses a threat to the patient’s recovery. The amputation of a limb is considered a life-altering injury because in the vast majority of cases it permanently alters the kind of work you can do. Because of the disabling nature of amputation, personal injury compensation must include pay for all the future work you can no longer do.