Auburn Rideshare Accident Lawyer

Auburn Rideshare Accident Lawyer

Auburn Rideshare Accident Attorney

Rideshare accidents are on the rise with the growing popularity of using the services. These accidents bear a lot of similarities with standard car accidents, but there are many unique challenges posed in determining the liable parties and whether the rideshare companies can be held accountable. It is critical that those who are seeking compensation for injuries caused in these incidents have an Auburn rideshare accident lawyer.

For an experienced, talented team to seek restitution, look no further than Kreeger Law Firm. We have been helping seek compensation for victims in personal injury claims for more than thirty years and have seen rideshare cases from the emergence of these companies. We are dedicated to getting the restitution that our clients deserve, whether through settlement or litigation.

What an Auburn Rideshare Accident Lawyer Does

An Auburn rideshare accident lawyer can be beneficial to your claim in a few different ways. Initially, we are able to investigate your accident, identify the liable parties, and gather the evidence necessary to demonstrate their fault for the accident and your injuries.

The next critical role that your lawyer will play is negotiator. Often, before a claim is filed, there is an attempt to negotiate a settlement. This has some potential advantages for both sides and can result in you getting your compensation much sooner. We help negotiate the strongest deal that we can and help you assess your possibility of getting more or less if the claim were to go through litigation.

While many claims are settled outside of court, there are often situations where that is not going to be a viable option. In these cases, your lawyer in Auburn is responsible to represent you and advocate for your interests through the legal process. We make the case for the liability of the defendant and show why you are owed restitution for the costs that you incurred.

Proving Liability in a Rideshare Accident

Rideshare accident claims are usually filed under personal liability law in California. This will often involve proving liability on the part of the defendant in the claim. Before any restitution can be sought, your lawyer will need to demonstrate that there was negligence on the part of the defendant, which led to the accident and your injuries. Generally, this can be thought of as proving three elements:

  • Duty of Care. In rideshare accidents, it is generally simple to demonstrate a duty of care. This means that the defendant in the claim had a duty to take reasonable precautions to reduce the risk that their actions could cause harm to others.
  • Breach of Duty. There is a breach of duty when the defendant has failed to meet their duty of care. This could mean speeding or another traffic violation for a driver or failing to provide proper screening, training, and supervision for a rideshare company.
  • Cause of Injury. Lastly, it must be shown that there was a direct line from the breach of duty on the part of the defendant to the injuries that were suffered by the plaintiff.

Q: What Compensation Is Awarded in a Rideshare Accident Claim?

The compensation that is awarded in a rideshare accident claim is typically paid out through two forms of “damages.” Economic damages address those costs that have an easily identifiable financial component, such as medical bills, lost wages, and future medical treatment, and lost earning capacity. Non-economic damages are designed to compensate for the emotional and psychological costs that are caused by the accident, such as pain and suffering or mental anguish.

Q: Are Punitive Damages Awarded for a Rideshare Accident?

Punitive damages are not awarded for most rideshare accidents, but that doesn’t mean that it is not possible for them to be awarded in some circumstances. Most personal injury claims won’t have punitive damages awarded, as they are generally reserved for situations where the defendant acted maliciously or otherwise egregiously.

Given that most rideshare accidents are the result of mistakes and errors, it is unlikely that punitive damages will be awarded, although your lawyer can discuss with you if they are possible in your situation.

Q: Will I Get More Money From Taking the Claim to Litigation or Settlement?

You could get more money from taking the claim to litigation rather than settling, but you could also get much less as well. Taking a claim to court opens you up to much more risk than if you were to settle, which at least provides some level of guaranteed compensation. However, whether a settlement makes sense for you will depend on a variety of factors, including the settlement being offered, the strength of your case, and your personal risk tolerance.

Q: Is There a Deadline for Filing an Auburn Rideshare Accident Claim?

There is a deadline for filing an Auburn rideshare accident claim, as these are filed under personal injury law and are subject to the statute of limitations for personal injury claims. In most cases, this means that a claim will need to be filed within two years of the accident.

There could be some exceptions to that deadline based on some of the elements of your particular accident, such as who you are seeking to hold liable or when the injuries were discovered. These elements could lengthen or shrink the time to file, so it is important to reach out to a lawyer soon after your accident.

An Auburn Rideshare Accident Lawyer You Can Rely On

In personal injury law, rideshare accident claims can be some of the most complicated. While transportation network companies are required to carry certain levels of insurance, there are times when the costs could exceed that amount, and establishing liability for these companies can be complicated. Possibly the most important factor in getting fair compensation for victims of rideshare accidents is having the right Auburn rideshare accident lawyer.

At Kreeger Law Firm, we understand the challenges that rideshare accident claims can pose. We know how to identify the liable parties and build the case against them. Whether through settling the claim or litigation, we believe in putting everything we can into getting our clients the compensation that they deserve for the injuries that they have suffered. If you have been injured in a rideshare accident, contact our team to discuss your options.