Role of Witnesses in Uber and Lyft Accident Cases in California (2024)

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Fault is a central issue in every motor vehicle accident case in California. If you have experienced such an incident, it is important that you understand the role of witnesses in Uber and Lyft accident cases in California. If anyone saw your accident happen firsthand, their testimony could be essential to succeeding in any recovery efforts you attempt after the accident. The right rideshare accident attorney can help you secure the statements needed to support your claim.

Understanding Fault in a Rideshare Accident Case

California uses a fault-based system to resolve all motor vehicle accidents. This means that an injured driver will need to prove fault for their accident before they can recover compensation for their damages, as an at-fault driver is liable for the damages they caused to others in an accident. However, proving fault can be challenging in some cases, so it’s important to work with an experienced rideshare accident lawyer in your efforts to establish liability.

It’s possible for one party to be entirely at fault for a rideshare accident, and it is also possible for multiple parties to share fault for an accident. If you were injured while riding as a passenger in a rideshare driver’s vehicle, it is unlikely that you will be found to share liability for the accident. However, if you were driving your own vehicle and contributed to causing the crash, California’s pure comparative fault rule will apply to your case.

Under this rule, a plaintiff who is found partially at fault for causing their claimed damages will have a fault percentage assigned. This will be the percentage of their total compensation that they will lose as a penalty to reflect their shared fault, so the more fault a plaintiff bears, the more they lose from their case award. An experienced attorney can help you minimize any comparative fault assigned to you in your case.

Witness Testimony in a Rideshare Accident Case

Witness testimony is one of the most valuable forms of evidence you can have on your side in the aftermath of a rideshare accident. Since it is relatively common for disputes concerning fault to arise in these accidents, having someone who saw the accident happen firsthand report what they witnessed can be invaluable to your case. However, it is important to remember that witness credibility is greatest when their testimony is secured as soon as possible.

An experienced attorney can help their client identify the witnesses who saw the accident happen and collect their statements. The more witnesses there are with aligned stories, the stronger their testimony supports the victim’s claim. If a rideshare accident involves complex technical issues, an attorney may consult expert witnesses on their client’s behalf. These are professionals who can provide valuable insights that clarify the most complex details of a case.

Ultimately, the role of witnesses in Uber and Lyft accident cases in California shouldn’t be underestimated. Whenever disputes regarding liability arise, witness testimony can help prove the truth of the situation and aid an injured victim in proving fault for their damages. Working with a seasoned attorney is the optimal way to secure the witness testimony you may need in your case.


Q: How Do I Obtain Witness Testimony for a Rideshare Accident Case in California?

A: You can obtain witness testimony for a rideshare accident case in California with the help of an attorney. After an accident, it’s a good idea to collect the contact information of everyone involved in the accident as well as any eyewitnesses, but it is ideal to have your attorney collect witness statements to support your case. This could prevent any potential disputes regarding conflict of interest that you might face if you collected their statements yourself.

Q: How Can I Prove Fault for a Rideshare Accident in California?

A: You can prove fault for a rideshare accident in California by gathering:

  • Physical evidence from the scene of the crash
  • Digital evidence, like vehicle computer data
  • Drivers’ cell phone records
  • Traffic camera footage

You can also obtain witness statements from those who saw the accident happen firsthand. You must prove fault for your accident before you can recover any compensation for your damages.

Q: Will Uber or Lyft Pay for My Damages From a Rideshare Accident?

A: Uber or Lyft may pay for your damages from a rideshare accident, depending on the timing of the accident. If you were a passenger in a rideshare driver’s vehicle and the driver caused the accident, the rideshare company’s top level of insurance coverage applies to your situation. If a third party caused the accident, you would need to claim against their auto insurance policy to recover compensation for your damages.

Q: How Soon Should I Contact a Rideshare Accident Lawyer After an Accident?

A: You should contact a rideshare accident lawyer as soon as possible after an accident. It is important to gather the evidence you will need to prove fault as quickly as you can. The reliability of this evidence will deteriorate with time. If you need witness testimony, the credibility of their testimony will diminish the longer you wait to have your attorney obtain their statements.

Q: Will a Driver Go to Jail for Causing a Rideshare Accident?

A: A driver may go to jail for causing a rideshare accident if they broke the law in doing so. Reckless driving, intoxicated driving, and any other intentional harm resulting in an accident may lead to criminal prosecution of the at-fault driver, and they will also face civil liability for the damages they caused. If the at-fault driver in your case broke the law, your attorney can explain the potential implications that this could have for your case.

Contact Kreeger Law Firm

Kreeger Law Firm has years of professional experience helping injured clients in California navigate all types of vehicle accidents, and we know what it can take to prove fault for a rideshare accident. Securing witness testimony is just one of the crucial tasks your attorney can complete, and it is vital to secure the legal counsel you need as soon as possible after your accident. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with our team.